Bachelor in Business Administration
- Undergraduate
Delivery mode
- Face-to-face
- Spanish
- 240 ETCS
Bachelor in Business Administration
The Bachelor in Business Administration is intended to train professionals capable of working in the fields of management, consultancy and appraisal at any type of organisation. During their university course, students develop an in-depth understanding of how every area of an enterprise operates and is organised. Knowledge which is supplemented by developing the necessary skills while at university to identify and anticipate opportunities, assign resources, organise information, select and motivate people, reach decisions, achieve the targets that have been set, and evaluate results. The distinctive features of the complementary training offered by CUNEF include such subjects as Information Technology, Personal Skills, Information Management and Business English.
Qualification title:
Degree in Business Administration
Centre Responsible:
Academic year of launch:
Minimum number of ECTS per enrolment and teaching period
Full-time students
First Year
- Minimum ECTS: 60
- Maximum ECTS: 60
Other Years
- Minimum ECTS: 60
- Maximum ECTS: 90
Part-time students
First Year
- Minimum ECTS: 60
- Maximum ECTS: 60
Other Years
- Minimum ECTS: 60
- Maximum ECTS: 90
Objectives and skills
The CUNEF Bachelor in Business Administration pursues, among others, the following teaching objectives:
- First of all, students acquire a sound knowledge of enterprises, how they work and how they relate to the national and international economic context.
- They secondly explore in greater depth the methods and techniques of business management and administration, giving them a thorough knowledge of how every area of an enterprise operates and is organised, allowing them to perform management and consultancy tasks at any type of firm. The training required to hold senior positions at national and international company departments in industry, trade, banking, insurance, development cooperation, etc.
- Thirdly, students acquire knowledge in the field of the quantitative methods needed in a business practice: basic elements of linear algebra, calculus, financial mathematics, statistics and econometric models.
- Participants also gain familiarity with the processes of decision-making, analysis and summary skills, communication and teamwork. They likewise develop the abilities required to apply knowledge in practice, to receive and convey information in other languages, and to use information and telecommunications technologies.
- To supplement all this, students have the chance to complete their academic training with a practical placement at a company, through educational cooperation programmes and international training periods on exchange programmes established with a wide range of universities worldwide.
- Lastly, the aim is to raise students’ awareness of ethical principles and values in the course of their work and in society at large.
The skills acquisition process takes place through the modules and subjects that make up the degree course. How aptitudes are acquired will of course depend on the student’s stage on the degree course, with skills being learned at initial, intermediate and advanced levels, as is standard practice within the European university system.
The horizontal and specific skills acquired by students focus on preparing them to engage in professional pursuits corresponding to the qualification offered.
The way the skills are designed likewise complies with the provisions of the ‘MECES’ framework for higher education qualifications in Spain.
General Skills
: Capacity to solve problems. Description: Find solutions and reach a fixed and decisive determination to resolve a query or problem.
: Capacity for analysis and summary. Description: Study a topic, problem, case, article, exercise, etc. in detail, and summarise and compile the key elements.
: Capacity for organisation and planning. Description: Understand how to plan the steps to be followed and/or structured to reach an objective, appropriately allocating the available material and human resources by assigning specific functions to each.
: Capacity for communication and teamwork. Description: Understand how to convey information verbally and/or in writing. Collaborate and cooperate with others, giving the best of their skills to achieve team results. Accept and value the abilities of others, and aim for synergy with colleagues. Value differences and build relationships of respect and growth.
Horizontal Skills
: Capacity for research and information gathering. Description: Aim to locate or find information using different sources (databases, media, manuals, etc.) and study this information in depth.
: Capacity to receive and convey information in other languages, above all English. Description: Use and master other languages, fundamentally English.
: Capacity to work under pressure. Description: Have little difficulty working in complex situations when subject to coercion, intimidation, etc.
: Capacity to apply knowledge in practice. Description: Understand how to use the knowledge acquired to achieve a specific goal, such as resolving an exercise or the discussion of a case study.
: Use information and telecommunications technologies. Description: Use and master the technological resources available (virtual campus, Internet, IT applications, etc.).
Specific Skills
: Manage and administer an enterprise or organisation, understanding its competitive and institutional positioning, and identifying its strengths and weaknesses. Description: Know how to lead and govern an enterprise to achieve the maximum profit, taking into account the resources available to the organisation and the characteristics of the context and/or market within which it operates.
: Integrate within any functional area of a large or medium-sized enterprise or organisation, and comfortably perform any management task entrusted there. Description: Be comfortable operating in any department of an enterprise (production, marketing, human resources, finance, etc.), reaching and implementing decisions. Specifically, the ability to perform diagnoses and proposals for organisational improvement, to make proposals to improve working methods and working time studies, design production incentives plans, understand and successfully perform the functions and activities inherent at human resource departments (job analysis and appraisal, recruitment, remuneration, etc.); use marketing tools and techniques to give consumers what they need and/or want at any given time, while simultaneously gaining the maximum profit for the company; know how to analyse and plan investments, forecasting expectations, interrelationships and financing; ability to manage and oversee the company’s financial plan, representing and communicating economic and financial information through accounting statements, verifying and ensuring that economic and financial information is compliant with the legislation in force, etc.
: Identify sources of relevant economic information and their content. Description: Understand the different resources or sources of information providing key data for corporate decision-making.
: Derive relevant economic information from the data. Description: Identify and compile data from different information sources, in order then to convert this into useful economic information for decision-making.
: Identify sources of relevant economic information and their content. Description: Understand the different resources or sources of information providing key data for corporate decision-making.
: Derive relevant economic information from the data. Description: Identify and compile data from different information sources, in order then to convert this into useful economic information for decision-making.
: Use the relevant information records to appraise a company’s position and foreseeable evolution. Description: Use relevant information to analyse, diagnose and predict the economic, financial, commercial, accounting or administrative position of companies, corporate groups and sectors, and the branches to which they belong.
: Issue consultancy reports on a specific company and market situations. Description: Draw up economic and financial studies and documents concerning companies and/or markets, valid for use at any central, local or quasi-state governmental body and other regional agencies, and at any court body.
: Draw up plans for overall management and for individual functional areas of a company. Description: Ability to draw up detailed plans for companies and organisations in accordance with preset goals, at different levels from the most comprehensive (strategic plans) to the most specific, corresponding to an individual department for functional area.
Understand the fundamental elements of the national and international economic context within which the company performs its activities. Description: Understand national and international economic institutions, the basic phenomena of the Spanish and international economy, the tax system and the basic economic laws affecting the company.
First Term
012802301 | Data Analysis∗ | Spanish | 4 | Elective |
012802292 | Analysis and Financial Planning | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
012802293 | Consumer Behavior | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
012802296 | Consolidated Financial Statements∗ | Bilingual | 4 | Elective |
012802294 | Strategic Management | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
012802304 | International Management of the Company∗ | Spanish | 4 | Elective |
012802300 | International and National Financial Markets∗ | Spanish | 4 | Elective |
012802320 | Internship∗ | Spanish | 12 | Elective |
Total | 30 |
Second Term
012802313 | Company Law∗∗ | Spanish | 4 | Elective |
012802306 | Corporate Accounting∗∗ | Spanish | 4 | Elective |
012802318 | Entrepreneurship∗∗ | Bilingual | 4 | Elective |
012802310 | Economy and Bank Management∗∗ | Bilingual | 4 | Elective |
012802309 | Government, Social Responsibility and Company Sustainability∗∗ | Bilingual | 4 | Elective |
012802311 | Banking and Stock Market Operations∗∗ | Spanish | 4 | Elective |
012802308 | Spanish Financial System∗∗ | Spanish | 4 | Elective |
012802321 | Final Degree Project | Bilingual | 6 | Final Degree Project |
Total | 30 |
TOTAL ECTS over 4 years: 240 ECTS
∗During the first term of Fourth Year, external practical placements can be performed (12 ECTS) or 3 elective subjects for 4 ECTS each.
∗∗During the second term of Fourth Year, 6 subjects will be chosen from the available elective options.
Table summarising the Bachelor in Business Administration syllabus
Type of Subject | Credits |
Basic Training | 60 ECTS |
Mandatory | 144 ECTS |
Elective (1) | 36 ECTS |
Final Degree Project (2) | 6 ECTS |
Total Credits | 240 ECTS |
- (1) The External Practical Placement object is an elective subject
- (2) The Final Degree Project is a mandatory subject.
CUNEF sets out below information of the faculty who teach this degree (academic and professional CVs for all of them), demonstrating that we have in place the optimal faculty required in order to deliver the teaching scheduled for the Bachelor in Business Administration.
The academic, research and professional qualifications of the lecturers teaching this qualification at CUNEF are therefore appropriate.
Spheres of knowledge | No. of Lecturers | PhDs | Accredited |
Law | 12 | 9 | 3 |
Business Administration | 20 | 12 | 5 |
Economics | 18 | 17 | 8 |
Finance and Accounting | 26 | 19 | 6 |
Quantitative Methods | 15 | 13 | 11 |
Overall Total | 91 | 70 | 33 |
Students on the Bachelor in Business Administration will have the opportunity to work at all manner of organisations, enterprises or institutions in industry, consultancy, banking and finance, the insurance sector, etc., and in the different departments of national and international enterprises and public authorities.
- Professionals in management, consultancy and evaluation at any type of organisation (public or private, for-profit or not-for-profit).
- Professionals in the production area.
- Professionals in the human resources area.
- Professionals in the finance, marketing or investment area.
- Professionals in the administration area.
- Professionals in the accounting area.
- Teaching and research.
There are two formats of external academic placement:
- Curricular: forming part of the Course Curriculum. The Practical Placement subject corresponds to this mode.
- Extracurricular: undertaken by students on a voluntary basis during their education, without forming part of the corresponding Course Curriculum. This will however be covered by the Diploma Supplement, as established in the regulations in force
Número de ECTS: | 12 ECTS |
Carácter de la asignatura: | Optativa |
Duración | 300 horas |
Requisitos | Estar matriculado en cualquier enseñanza impartida por CUNEF. El alumno tiene que estar matriculado en CUNEF durante todo el período de realización de la práctica. Los alumnos que tengan alguna asignatura en cuarta convocatoria no podrán firmar Convenio hasta no tenerlas superadas. |
¿Cómo acceder a las ofertas de prácticas? | Los alumnos de CUNEF pueden acceder a las ofertas de prácticas a través de: CUNEF Career Center CUNEF International Career Center |
¿Cuando se pueden realizar las prácticas? | Una vez se hayan aprobado todas las asignaturas de 1º, 2º y 3er curso. Por tanto, a partir del verano de 3º. |
Guía docente de las prácticas | |
Normativa específica CUNEF | |
Modelo de convenio de cooperación educativa | |
Anexo del estudiante | |
Impreso para la realización de la memoria final |
Quality system
Spanish Universities Act 6/2001, of 21 December 2001, and the reform applied to this by Act 4/2007, of 12 April 2007, Article 31 of which addresses Quality Assurance , lays down the need to establish quality assurance criteria to facilitate evaluation, certification and accreditation, viewing quality assurance as an essential purpose of university policy. Royal Decree 1393/2007, of 29 October 2007, amended by Royal Decree 861/2010, of 2 July 2010, establishing the regulations governing official university education, clearly indicates that “Quality Assurance Systems, which form a part of the new course curricula, likewise provide the basis for the new educational structure to function efficiently and to generate the trust on which the process of qualification accreditation relies“. The establishment of a Quality Assurance System is thus included in the new official university education regulations as a condition of the process of qualification verification and accreditation.
CUNEF has defined the structure of its Internal Quality Assurance System, known as the ‘Sistema Interno de Garantía de Calidad’ or ‘SIGC’, and the procedures governing this function, in accordance with the demands of Royal Decree 1393/2007, amended by Royal Decree 861/2010.
The SIGC allows CUNEF to ascertain the development of its official qualifications, in support of transparency, the inclusion of continuous improvement strategies and the systematic organisation of actions effectively contributing to qualifications quality assurance and efficiency in processes to appraise verification, monitoring and renewal of mandatory official qualifications accreditation.
La Ley Orgánica de Universidades 6/2001, de 21 de diciembre, y su reforma, ley 4/2007, de 12 de abril, en su artículo 31 dedicado a la Garantía de la Calidad
, recoge la necesidad de establecer criterios de garantía de calidad que faciliten la evaluación, certificación y acreditación, y considera la garantía de calidad como un fin esencial de la política universitaria. El RD 1393/2007 de 29 de octubre, modificado por RD 861/2010, de 2 de julio, por el que se establece la ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales, indica claramente que “los Sistemas de Garantía de la Calidad, que son parte de los nuevos planes de estudios, son, asimismo, el fundamento para que la nueva organización de las enseñanzas funcione eficientemente y para crear la confianza sobre la que descansa el proceso de acreditación de títulos”. Así pues, el establecimiento de un Sistema de Garantía de Calidad aparece por tanto, en la nueva ordenación de las enseñanzas universitarias oficiales, como una condición para el proceso de verificación y acreditación de los títulos.
CUNEF ha definido la estructura de su Sistema Interno de Garantía de Calidad (SIGC) y los procedimientos que regirán su funcionamiento, siguiendo lo exigido por el RD 1393/2007 modificado por el RD 861/2010.
El SIGC permite a CUNEF conocer el desarrollo de sus títulos oficiales se favorece la transparencia, la incorporación de estrategias de mejora continua y el ordenamiento de la actuaciones de forma sistemática para que contribuyan de modo eficaz a la garantía de calidad de los títulos y al logro de la eficiencia en los procesos de evaluación de verificación, seguimiento y renovación de la acreditación de los títulos oficiales obligatorios.
The CUNEF SIGC has the following structure: Degree Quality Committee, Master’s Programme Quality Committee and Doctorate Quality Committee, Technical Quality Unit, Academic and Management Unit.
The Quality Committees are responsible for monitoring the implementation of the degree, master’s and doctorate programmes taught at CUNEF. These Committees analyse and appraise the development of the qualifications, making proposals for review and improvement that will be submitted to the Academic Committee and CUNEF Management to be taken into account where applicable.
These committees have the following responsibilities:
- Manage and coordinate the Internal Quality Assurance System and monitor this process.
- Monitor and evaluate the quality targets, external practical placements and mobility programmes.
- Draw up the regulations governing the functioning of the Quality Committees, and make the corresponding proposals to the Academic Committee and the Director of CUNEF for approval.
- Gather information and evidence as to the development and application of the training programme for the qualification (objectives, development of teaching and learning, methodology, etc.).
- Manage the Information System for the qualification (information, support and guidance for students, coordination of teaching staff, qualification course resources, mobility programmes, external practical placements, etc.).
- Supervise fulfilment of the quality policy for the qualification in accordance with the CUNEF quality policy and the UCM quality policy.
- Promote specific actions to encourage the use of new teaching methodologies and to disseminate and raise awareness of good practice in the field of quality.
- Draw up guidelines for the development of information systems as to objectives, available resources, management and results of the qualifications course intended for lecturers, students and admin and support staff.
The Academic Committee (see composition in Table 1) is responsible for coordinating improvement proposals connected with qualifications and for decision-making in this regard. The Director of CUNEF is ultimately responsible for validating the decisions reached by the Academic Committee.Each Quality Committee comprises:
- The coordinators/directors of the applicable official qualifications in each case (degree, master’s and doctorate programme),
- The representatives (at least one per qualification) of the lecturers teaching each qualification,
- The representatives (one per qualification) of students sitting for the qualification as candidates,
- Up to a maximum of three representatives from the professional sphere of university qualifications delivered by CUNEF (where there are alumni among these representatives, they will be selected from this group), and a representative of admin and support staff.
The Degree Quality Committee is currently in operation (see composition in Table 2). It oversees the proper development of official CUNEF qualifications, and can be sent any comments connected with the quality of qualifications via the suggestions box.
The Quality Committees meet at least twice per year and are governed by the Quality Committee Functional Regulation approved on 24 November 2014.
Degree Quality Committee
Full Name | Category and/or group |
Mercedes Gracia Díez | Degree Director (President) |
José Javier Galán Ruiz | Degree in Law Director |
Guillermo Velasco Fabra | Academic Staff Representative |
Francisco Javier Sosa Álvarez | Academic Staff Representative |
Javier Sánchez Hernández | Admin and Support Staff Representative (Secretary) |
Begoña Menéndez Rodríguez | Admin and Support Staff Representative |
Pablo Romanillos Pardo de Santayana | Student Representative |
Felipe Julián Vázquez Sánchez | Student Representative |
Cecilia de la Rosa González | Alumni Representative |
Term 10/11 | Term 11/12 | Term 12/13 | Term 13/14 | Term 14/15 | Term 15/16 | Term 16/17 | Term 17/18 | Term 18/19 | Term 19/20 | Term 20/21 | ||
Pre-registered | 608 | 604 | 561 | 848 | 879 | 981 | ||||||
Admitted | 306 | 288 | 305 | 511 | 471 | 561 | ||||||
Demand rate (pre-registered/places) | 337,78% | 335,56% | 311,67% | 530,00% | 549,38% | 891,82% | ||||||
ICM-1 – New enrolment places offered (authorised by the UCM) | 200 | 211 | 180 | 180 | 180 | 180 | 160 | 160 | 110 | |||
ICM-2 – New enrolment | 205 | 205 | 182 | 169 | 154 | 165 | 285 | 197 | 112 | |||
ICM-3 – Percentage cover | 102,50% | 97,16% | 101,11% | 93,89% | 85,56% | 91,67% | 178,13% | 123,13% | 101,82% | |||
ICM-4 – Qualification performance rate | 90,64% | 89,67% | 85,93% | 87,10% | 89,84% | 90,84% | 86,33% | 94,59% | 93,45% | |||
ICM-5 – Degree dropout rate | 12,8% | 7,8% | 7,32% | 3,35% | 6,59% | No procede | 8,08% | 11,64 | 11,23% | 11,83% | 9,86% | |
ICM-6 – Teaching Evaluation Programme participation rate | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | 100% | |
ICM-7 – Alumni Efficiency rate | 100% | 100% | 100% | 94,81% | 95,05% | 91,93% | 93,02% | 91,76% | 93,61% | |||
ICM-8 – Graduation rate | 92,15% | 90,37% | No procede | No procede | No procede | 96,55% | 81,81% | 82,09% | 79,44% | 84,24% | 82,66% | |
IUCM-1 – Success rate | No procede | 90,03% | 91,16% | 86,78% | 94,88% | 93,90% | ||||||
IUCM-2 – First choice degree demand rate | 85% | 107,22% | 186,25% | 136,25% | 114,55% | |||||||
IUCM-3 – Second and subsequent choice degree demand rate | 58,33% | 58,89% | 39,38% | 66,88% | 153,64% | |||||||
IUCM-4 – Teaching Evaluation Programme participation rate | 84,71% | 88,41% | 51,58% | 96,45% | 90.68% | |||||||
IUCM-8 – Programme satisfaction | No procede | No procede | No procede | 96,75% | 95,09% | 95,05% | 93,02% | 91,93% | 92,39% | 73,45% | 87,18% | |
IUCM-13 – Student satisfaction with the qualification | 7,76 | 7,62 | 7,12 | 6,94 | 6,57 | 7,09 | 7,21 | 7,16 | 7,29 | |||
IUCM-14 – Lecturer satisfaction with the qualification | 9 | 9 | 7,9 | 8,51 | 8,57 | 8,22 | ||||||
IUCM-15 – Centre Admin and Support Staff satisfaction | 5,03 | 7,9 | 6,82 | 6,76 | 7,33 | 7,5 | 8,55 | 8131 | ||||
IUCM-16 – Qualification Appraisal Rate | 99,79% | 99,65% | 99,48% | 99,69% | 99,52% |
ICM – Madrid Regional Government Indicators
IUCM – Universidad Complutense de Madrid Indicators
is a highly specialised university education institution focused on the world of business management, finance and financial markets and instruments, and law. Our Degree and Postgraduate programmes set the standard in their respective fields.
To maintain this prestigious standing, CUNEF is committed to the continuous improvement of the teaching, research and services it provides as part of its quality commitment.
In accordance with its equality policy, CUNEF aims to fulfil the reasonable needs and expectations of its students, lecturers, admin and support staff, governing bodies and society at large. To this end the Centre defines the following quality objectives:
- Pursue excellence in the education given to its students, combining cutting-edge knowledge with an eminently professional focus.
- Offer its students the very best lecturers for their specialist qualifications in each operational sphere, combining knowledge and educational vocation with lengthy professional management experience in their respective fields.
- Consolidate its image as a University Centre of acknowledged standing.
- Underpin its professional network of lecturers, students, graduates/alumni and partner companies to generate benefits in the professional and managerial performance of its graduates/alumni.
- Achieve an employability rate among graduates/alumni of close to 100%.
- Commit to the internationalisation of its students, lecturers and programmes.
- Ensure that the quality policy is understood and accepted by all CUNEF staff and is publicly available.
- Ensure that the CUNEF Internal Quality Assurance System remains effective and is periodically revised. As the figure responsible for this institution, I undertake to develop and implement this quality policy in order to achieve the highest possible level of performance among our students.
Ana Isabel Fernández Álvarez
Director of CUNEF
The Degree Quality Committee meets periodically over the course of the academic year, and at least twice per year. These meetings analyse information regarding the implementation of degree studies and the data revealed by the functioning of the quality assurance system. This review and study of information serves to identify areas for improvement that the Quality Committee conveys to CUNEF Management for approval and execution together with the tasks to be undertaken to eliminate any shortcomings.
The Degree Quality Committee maintains a register of quality improvements and strengths which it reviews and updates at least once per term, in accordance with the tasks being performed and the assessment of their impact.
Numerous improvement actions have been conducted since 2013 covering a wide range of aspects, resulting in managerial improvements and enhanced satisfaction among students and other stakeholders, alongside the public information made available about CUNEF itself and its academic offering, etc. Particular mention should be made by way of example of efforts to increase teaching coordination, to incorporate diploma supplements within the degree courses, to review and enhance the website and the information published there, etc.
For more specific and detailed information about how the Degree Quality Committee functions and the improvement proposals made, you may contact the email address
The employability of CUNEF alumni represents a variable which is analysed by the Quality Committees, serving to assess professional interest in the qualification while likewise ascertaining whether alumni have acquired the skills initially defined for the course.This analysis will allow proposals to be made to improve the qualification, or to eliminate it if the figures are below 20% for 5 consecutive years. To this end CUNEF conducts yearly surveys of alumni, asking them directly, as set out in the SIGC, whether the training they received has or has not proved useful in the pursuit of their profession, and their professional position before (if any) and after completing the qualification.CUNEF uses this information to conduct a study of whether the study curricula are appropriate or not, as well as the employability or professional prospects of alumni.
Master in Data Science
The Master in Data Science complements the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and is designed to train professionals with a deep knowledge of financial and corporate business, who also develop analytical skills in the management of large volumes of information in the different activities of national and international companies. The need for professionals with knowledge in data science is growing in an increasingly competitive environment.
First Term
Master | Analysis of unstructured information | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
Master | Predictive Analysis | Bilingual | 3 | Mandatory |
Master | ETL / Extract, Transform and Load | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
Master | Artificial Intelligence Models | Bilingual | 4 | Mandatory |
Master | Asset Management Analytics | Bilingual | 4 | Elective |
Master | Data Science for Credit Risk Analytics | Bilingual | 4 | Elective |
Master | Data Management for Market Analysis | Bilingual | 4 | Elective |
Master | Trends and Influence Detection | Bilingual | 4 | Elective |
Total | 27 |
Second Term
Master | Internships | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
Master | Master Thesis and Dissertation | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
Total | 12 |
Master in International Finance & Banking
The Master in International Finance & Banking complements the Bachelor's Degree in Business Administration and is taught with a totally practical approach, designed to train students specialising in business and finance from a global perspective, who want to develop their professional career in international companies. The aim is for students to acquire an in-depth knowledge of international financial business: global financial markets, business strategies, international stock exchanges, taxation and regulation.
First Term
Master | Risk Management and Value in Banking and Insurance | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
Master | Taxes and International Business Strategy | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
Master | Investment Banking | Bilingual | 4 | Mandatory |
Master | Regulation in Financial Markets and Institutions | Bilingual | 3 | Mandatory |
Master | Alternative Investments | Bilingual | 4 | Mandatory |
Master | International Portfolio Management | Bilingual | 4 | Mandatory |
Total | 27 |
Second Term
Master | Internship in international finance | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
Master | Master Thesis and Dissertation | Bilingual | 6 | Mandatory |
Total | 12 |