
CUNEF features extracurricular activities run and coordinated by the students themselves in the form of Clubs. Registration is voluntary and students also have the opportunity to set up new Clubs, providing them with personal and professional growth and development. These activities allow them to integrate better within campus life, and help create networks of contacts that will be hugely useful in their professional future.

Debating Club

Debating is one of the non-academic activities most highly valued in the university and professional world.

The CUNEF Debating Club is coordinated by faculty and is made up of students who aspire to stand out in their educational career in pursuit of excellence by demanding more of themselves.

The Club offers an Oratory and Debating course, the fundamental aims of which are to improve communication skills (learning to speak in public and to overcome stage fright), while studying debating techniques, providing greater security in building more convincing and persuasive arguments.

From the beginning, the CUNEF Debating Club has taken part in major tournaments and won a number of successes (finals and semi-finals), which we hope to build on and improve.

This year more than 50 students are taking part in the training programme, and several members of the Club have already participated in university debating tournaments.

Volunteering Club

Its main aim is to encourage involvement by students in volunteering schemes, promoting both charitable values and social commitment. The initiatives undertaken by the club include in particular visits to hospitals, breakfasts for homeless people, home refurbishment for the disadvantaged, and school support for children at risk of social exclusion.

CUNEF Investment

This is a university association created by and made up of CUNEF students.

Its aim is to give its members an insight into the world of the stock exchange and how markets work, engaging in supplementary training activities while extending their network of contacts.


ELSA, the European Law Students’ Association, is the world’s largest organisation for students of this discipline. Through its various activities the members acquire international experience and legal and professional training.

CUNEF is already a member of the association, which gives members access to such opportunities as: experience placements abroad, access to European law schools, seminars, conferences, moot trials, etc.

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Further information

If you would like to get involved in any of the clubs and help make them bigger and stronger,