Academic competitions

Business Case Competition

The CUNEF Business Case Competition (BCC) is an initiative intended to bring our students into closer contact with the world of business, allowing them to see for themselves how the theoretical knowledge they have acquired assists in the process of analysing and resolving current problems.

The competition is based on the application of a case study combining theory and practice, drawing on a real situation at a company. The case study is developed for the event in close cooperation with the company selected for each edition, and one of its distinctive features is therefore that it deals with contemporary circumstances. The partner company plays a key role in enriching the students’ learning experience.

Participants will face the challenge of resolving a real case under conditions very similar to those they will experience in their professional future.

The teams that make it to the finals will also have to present their proposals before a jury made up of executives from the partner company as well as the academic staff of CUNEF, the kind of pressure they will repeatedly face throughout their professional career.

Deloitte Financial Challenge

CUNEF is one of the 11 universities taking part in the Deloitte Financial Challenge, a competition organised by what is one of the world’s leading consultancy firms. The competition takes place at Deloitte’s offices and involves resolving a series of financial exercises in which the participants will be called on to take a series of decisions and to demonstrate their know-how. They will learn to analyse and apply the IFRS, while also developing their personal skills.

What are the requirements to take part?

  • Be a student in the final or penultimate year of a course connected with the field of finance
  • Register during the set period for each edition
  • Be available during the dates when the event is staged
  • Good academic record

MOOT. International Arbitration and Company Law Competition

CUNEF offers its Law students and those studying for a dual degree or combined master’s programme with Law, the opportunity to take part each year in a moot court . Moot competitions involve the students preparing, defending and setting out an imaginary case, acting as if they really were practising lawyers. These competitions tend to promote arbitration as the mechanism used to resolve the disagreement. The basis of the dispute may be derived from a commercial contract or the result of a breach of a bilateral investment agreement. The language of the moots may also vary, and so although many of them take place in English, others encourage the use of Spanish in international transactions.

The moots are divided into two stages: one written and one oral. In the first stage the teams examine the imaginary case, explore the legal provisions, arbitration awards and other relevant precedents for the scenario, and draw up two written submissions: first a claim, and then a response to the claim. In the oral stage each team registered in the competition defends their arguments before different panels of experts (made up of leading lawyers and arbitrators, academics and other professionals).