Students and Alumni
Our mission: to provide students and alumni with all the tools and skills they need, and the best possible opportunities to maximise their professional development. We have a range of initiatives in place to achieve thisBusiness internship placement programme
Our external academic internship placements are a training opportunity for our students supervised by CUNEF with the aim of supplementing the knowledge acquired in class, underpinning the acquisition of skills to prepare students for professional life so as to increase their employability and to expand their entrepreneurial competence. They can be performed at the University itself or at such partner bodies as companies, institutions and public and private entities at the national and or international level. CUNEF has more than 750 such agreements in place with different companies. To be eligible for an internship placement, students must be enrolled throughout the duration of the placement on any of course provided by CUNEF. Business internship placements represent a key component on students training, and mark the first step in entering the professional world. Internship placements can be combined with your studies, and will help you to:
- Gain a practical focus applied to professional reality.
- Acquire practical experience of the working methodologies used at the company.
- Develop a range of technical and soft skills.
- Gain practical experience that will then make it easier for you to enter the world of work.
- Underpin values such as innovation, creativity and entrepreneurial skills among others.
There are two formats of external academic placement:
- Curricular:
these are part of the Course Curriculum. This format corresponds to External Placement course, which you can study in both undergraduate and graduate degrees.
- Extracurricular:
undertaken by students on a voluntary basis during their studies, outside the course curriculum.
Cunef Career Center
is the platform that allows our students (both undergraduate and graduate) to define their professional plans, to interact with the corporate world and to find the best match with their profile and their interests among a a huge offer of internship placement and employment opportunities.
In 2018, our students had access to 8,433 internship placement and employment offers:
- 927 job offers exclusive for CUNEF students.
- 506 local and international job offers advertised by companies associated with JobTeaser.
The system also operates as a forum and networking tool where companies actively publish information of great interest:
- Videos describing job’s offers
- Key details giving an insight of employers, allowing you to prepare for your interviews in depth.
- Tips and recommendations offered by human resources and recruiting managers.
- Events and presentations at the CUNEF Campus and at other locations
- Business Case Competitions
Register at the CUNEF Career Centre with your email address, set up your personal site, activate alerts to receive announcements, and start taking part in those recruitment processes that best match your profile.
Cunef Highered Talent
The platform that provides you with access to international internship placement and employment offers. Register at CUNEF Highered Talent with your email address, set up your personal site, activate alerts to receive announcements, and start taking part in those recruitment processes that best match your profile.
Professional advice
‘Passport to your future’ is a professional counselling programme for CUNEF graduate students. Under this scheme, consultants with extensive recruitment experience accompany and assist students in boosting their professional performance. The programme includes two types of activities:
- Practical workshops
at which participants develop their skills in the following key areas:
- Guidelines for writing and presenting a resumé and cover letter
- Where and how to look for job opportunities
- How to address the different recruitment processes conducted by companies
- Understand their strengths and areas for improvement to develop their Personal Brand
- How to use social media to improve employability (LinkedIn).
- Individual mentoring sessions
at which professional mentors provide all participants with their know-how, to help CUNEF’s undergraduate and graduate students, to focus their future professional development..