Institutional Relations and strategic alliances
We maintain institutional relations with numerous companies and institutions. These relationships and strategic alliances benefit the pursuit of academic activity, and hence the training received by future professionals.
Associated Centre of Universidad Complutense de Madrid
Since our fundation in 1973 CUNEF is an Associated Centre of Universidad Complutense de Madrid (UCM)
Fundación AEB
, the foundation set up by the Spanish Banking Association (AEB), is the owner of CUNEF (and the sole shareholder of CUNEF S.L.U). Among other activities, the Foundation organises a bursaries programme each year for those studying at CUNEF, in order to facilitate access to university training on the part of less economically advantaged students.
Companies in the economic, financial, legal and other fields, which cooperate in various matters. We have agreements and partnerships in place with more than 750 leading national and international companies and institutions.
International relations
Structured through partnership agreements with prestigious universities worldwide. We manage programs that allow students, proffesors, lecturers and employees to benefit from international training placements under the options available through a range of partnership agreements.
Excellence and innovation
We are involved with the Carolina Foundation in the scholarship programme organised each year to facilitate and promote the expansion of graduate studies.
European Foundation for Management Development
We are a full member of the organisation. The EFMD is a global non-profit organisation dedicated to continuous improvement in executive development and skills. It serves as a networking and experience exchange forum for academics and executives from universities, business schools and member companies.